HLA Molecular Products
SBT Resolver
Next Generation
Please note that from 1st January 2014, Assign™ SBT v3.5+ and earlier versions from Conexio Genomics will be supported by Conexio Genomics directly. Assign™ SBT v3.6+, tailored specifically for Conexio’s SBT Resolver™ assays, will be provided with SBT Resolver™ by Conexio’s distributor Olerup SSP AB and their sub distributors.
Please note also that Conexio Genomics will be introducing a new and improved licence key file system for Assign™ SBT v3.5+ and Assign™ SBT v3.6+ and its Assign™ ATF products in September 2013. This will have a minimum impact on Assign™ users and will be done concurrently with the provision of new licence key files in September 2013.
Please contact [email protected] regarding the provision of Assign™ SBT 3.5+ licence key files and IMGT reference libraries for 2014.
Please note that from 1st January 2014, Assign™ SBT v3.5+ and earlier versions from Conexio Genomics will be supported by Conexio Genomics directly. Assign™ SBT v3.6+, tailored specifically for Conexio’s SBT Resolver™ assays, will be provided with SBT Resolver™ by Conexio’s distributor Olerup SSP AB and their sub distributors.
Please note also that Conexio Genomics will be introducing a new and improved licence key file system for Assign™ SBT v3.5+ and Assign™ SBT v3.6+ and its Assign™ ATF products in September 2013. This will have a minimum impact on Assign™ users and will be done concurrently with the provision of new licence key files in September 2013.
Please contact [email protected] regarding the provision of Assign™ SBT 3.5+ licence key files and IMGT reference libraries for 2014.